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Video: Bohemian Rhapsody mit Retro-Games

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Ein Atari VCS 2600 war meine erste Videospiel-Erfahrung in den späten siebziger Jahren. Und als Grundschüler habe ich Klassenkameraden bewundert, die mit Super Mario zocken durften.

Diese Kindheitserinnerungen kamen mir in den Sinn, als ich das erste Mal die Nintendohemian Rhapsody gehört und gesehen habe. Hach!

Deshalb gibt es nur eins: teilt diesen Clip, bis der Arzt kommt, damit jeder in den Genuss der Retro-Games kommen kann:

Und wer mitsingen möchte, findet hier die Lyrics:

Is this the real life, or 8-bit fantasy?
These classic games are my escape from reality
Blow on the cart, insert and press start with me

PAT: I love Nintendo
BRENT: It is no mystery
PAT: Because it’s Mega Man
BOTH: Mario
PAT: Little Mac,
BOTH: And Nemo
PAT: When I play Nintendo, it’s so very special to me…
BRENT: To me
…Mama, just lost again. It was nice, but then I died,
and I can’t find the strategy guide

Mama, the game had just begun
But now I’ve gone and thrown the fun away!

BRENT: Mama… ooh… I think I made the princess cry…

PAT: When I come home right after school tomorrow
I’ll game on till the dawn, because Sega doesn’t matter
Too late, my lives are gone
Nintendo Power’s got no tips
And that game counselor’s a dick
I bought new controllers, but nothing helps

BRENT: And slow mo makes the pain just hurt much more
Mama, ooo-ooooh,
PAT: When we play Nintendo

BRENT: I want to beat this game!

PAT: I’d use a Game Genie, but that’s so freakin’ lame!

BRENT: I see a little guy is he an extra man?

Silly Douche! Silly douche! You’ll get no extra man, no!

PAT: Crazy difficulty, feels like you’re insulting me!

BRENT: Old Nintendo!
PAT: Old Nintendo!
BRENT: Used to beat it!
PAT: We were ten though!

SCARY: Games were harder then, you know!
BOTH: Oh is that so?! (oh-oh-oh-oh)

BRENT: I’m a decent gamer, why is this not easy?

SCARY GAMES: You’re just a loser and you suck, verily!
Can’t beat a game from back when you were three!

PAT: Is there no easy mode? Or a secret code?
SCARY GAMES: Bad Ga-mah No! You’ll get no cheating code!
PAT: Eat a toad!
SCARY GAMES: Lame Gamer! There is no easy mode!
BOTH: What a load!
SCARY GAMES: Bad Gamer! There is no easy mode!

BRENT: Easy mode!
SCARY GAMES: There’s no secret code!
PAT: Secret code!
SCARY GAMES: Never, never, never there’s no code
PAT & BRENT: Oh, what’s the code oh oh oh!
BRENT: (As Mario) Oh Mamma Mia! Mamma mia!
PAT: Miyamoto, will you ever make it easy for me?
BRENT: For me?
PAT: For meeeeeeee?!
…So you think you can punch me and blacken my eye?

BRENT: So you think that your demon will leave me to die?!
PAT: Nooooooo, Wily! Can’t do this to me Wily!
BRENT: Just gotta play on! Just gotta play on without fear!

BOTH: Ooh yeah! Ooh yeah!

BRENT: 8-bit games aren’t easy, anyone can see

PAT: Time to play the next one, prove I’m a real gamer … to me

When we play Nintendo…


Autor: Marc

Hallo, ich bin Marc. Schön, dass Du bei mir im Blog vorbeischaust. Hier mein Leben in weniger als 140 Zeichen: Passionierter Läufer, Bücherfreund, iPhone 12, ipad mini 2, Social Media, nur der BVB, Reiseblogger, Vater, (Ehe-) Mann, Chef. Ich bin übrigens auch bei Facebook, und Twitter zu finden.

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