Was für ein Lauf! Ich habe echt einen Lauf…
Und dieses Mal geht es nicht um mein liebstes Hobby, den Laufsport. Es läuft einfach bei mir, was das zeitnahe Verbloggen von coolen Inhalten angeht. Erst am Montag haben Martin und Maik ihre brandaktuelle Win-Compilation veröffentlicht und schon präsentiere ich das Beste aus dem Video-Netz auf meinem Blog.
Viel Spaß mit 48 Videos in schlanken 9:31 Minuten!
Außerdem hier die Liste der Videos:
01. People Start An Impromptu Dance Party To Bring Together. It Worked. (via)
02. The 5,000 Colors Puzzle (via)
03. How to find any kid playing hide and seek. (via)
04. Nach dem „Vorschlag zur Güte“: MOSES™ Throw-up vermisst (via)
05. Basha High Schools Paper Toss is like a TSUNAMI (via)
06. „Finger Kaleidoscope“ | Xtrap | The Chainsmokers Don’t Let Me Down Illenium (via)
07. How To Make Glock 19 That Shoots Bullets – (Cardboard Gun with Magazine) (via)
08. Strange clearance by Syrian goalkeeper Ibrahim Alma!!! (via)
09. The bat-signal lights up Los Angeles in honor of Adam West. (via)
10. Modern DJ equipment is so complicated (via)
11. Self-driving potato (via)
12. Spinning on a Go-Kart
13. 47 Goat kids rush to breakfast! (via)
14. KWIST ™ – Insane Fidget Stick Tricks (via)
16. Ein vermutlich verirrter Blauhai hat Badegäste auf Mallorca in Panik versetzt….
17. Horse Rocks Crying Baby (via)
18. I made a portable mattress so that I can nap always (via)
19. Captured Gears (via)
20. Super Mario Bros Recreated as Life Size Augmented Reality Game (via)
21. Heidi The Dog Watching Planet Earth (via)
22. Was macht Novaslap am Pfingstwochenende? Die Welt retten – akustisch.
23. RAZOR – sharp (via)
24. 91-year-old gymnast completes impressive routine at Berlin competition (via)
25. Amazing Multi Dog Tricks! (via)
26. Baby girl was NOT interested in that grass! (via)
27. Baby Opossums Go For a Ride (via)
28. Cat learns to knead dough through tutorial video (via)
29. chAIR -Manned multirotor Part 20 -First Flight! Axel Borg (via)
30. Crushed by a Giant 6ft Water Balloon – 4K – The Slow Mo Guys (via)
31. Dog teaches brother master sit (via)
32. Double Domino ( with bricks) (via)
33. Gorilla dancing to Maniac: (via)
34. Incredible team skipping challenge – Guinness World Records (via)
36. Jetboarder rescues sailor on catamaran (via)
37. Leaf Blower Kid (via)
38. Loki plays hide and seek (via)
39. Old man is having fun under metallica (via)
40. Russian Fidget Spinner: Spin those cars and burn some tires (via)
42. Slidin’ – Der König der Wasserrutsche (via)
43. Squirrel Burying Cheeto (via)
44. Trippy Gymbal induced views on an… – Jamie Lee – Speedflyer (via)
45. Zoetrope Fidget Spinner (via)
46. ДЕРЕВЯННЫЕ КОЛЁСА вместо обычных? Легко! + проверка на прочность! АвтоДичь #5 (via)
47. オオカミの皮をかぶったヒツジ Sheep in wolf’s clothing (via)
48. London street artist drumming on plastic tubes with slippers
5. Juli 2017 um 08:17
Wow, ich bin Baff – das dürfte Rekord sein. 🙂 Besten Dank fürs Teilen!