Die vorletzte Win-Compilation des Jahres 2018 steht in den Startlöchern und wartet darauf, von euch entdeckt zu werden.
Maik und Martin haben auch – und ganz besonders – in diesem dunklen, traurigen Monat alles gegeben, um uns mit dem Besten aus dem Universum der Video-Clips zu erfreuen.
Viel Spaß mit 54 Filmchen in mehr als zwölf Minuten – und einer ist besser als der andere:
Wer sich die komplette Chose geben möchte, schaut hier bei den Originalen in voller Länge:
1 . Little Freddie Mercury Fan Belts Out Bohemian Rhapsody Melody (via)
2 . Sale! (via)
3 . Ketchup Efficiency (via)
4 . The Happiest Delivery Man (via)
5 . Glithero’s interactive lamp is illuminated by a toppling row of dominoes (via)
6 . Too Many Zooz – Car Alarm (Official Video) (via)
7 . The building isn’t moving. 🤯 (via)
8 . Drone crashes into the water, getting a stunning view of the lake bed. (via)
9 . Ghostly Grimpoteuthis Octopus Glides By ROV Hercules | Nautilus Live (via)
10 . Harriet the Singing Donkey ‚Serenades‘ Passerby (via)
11 . ORIGAMI BUTTERFLY BALL (Kenneth Kawamura) – Remake (via)
12 . Polizist Tanzt (via)
13 . Using my Flute to attract the raccoons in my neighborhood to join my world of Warcraft clan (via)
14 . #hanggliding a few steps and you in dreamland 🌈 (via)
15 . 🐕 Das ist Kirk, ein drei Jahre alter Border Collie aus Kalifornien. (via)
16 . Don’t Stop Believin‘ on Boomwhackers (via)
17 . SIR PARCIVAL AND DINDRANE. HOLY GRAIL STORY. Not finished yet, but soooon…(via)
18 . I Made A Pumpkin Hovercraft (via)
19 . 90 year old man triple jump (via)
20 . Foo Fighters cover Enter Sandman w/ 10 year old LIVE KC (via)
21 . Light Duel (via)
22 . Cat Gets Carted Around By Dog Friends || ViralHog (via)
23 . Let’s Play – Super Mario Bros. LIVE w/FULL ORCHESTRA! (ep.1) (via)
24 . System Of A Dog (via)
25 . Vortex LEGO Candy Launcher (via)
26 . Mad Max Meets Surf: A First Look At Surf Lakes Wave Pool Australia (via)
27 . It’s only day 1 and I have declared Vienna to be the purest city in the world (via)
28 . Driving a Tesla via Apple Watch using Siri Shortcuts on the Remote S app (via)
29 . „Harry Potter“ Homecoming Assembly (via)
30 . BeAlive – Leaf Skiing in Southern France (via)
31 . drive by bear toast (via)
32 . Space X Falcon 9 Timelapse Above Downtown Los Angeles in 4K – October 7th 2018(via)
33 . Best of Michael Jackson Halloween Light Show 2018 (via)
34 . Car Horns Play Carol The Bells || ViralHog (via)
35 . dog running on hind legs – 1006916 (via)
36 . Crazy falafel skills!!! Long time falafel store owner knows how to serve up in STYLE!!(via)
37 . Incredible Straw Beatboxer || ViralHog (via)
38 . “Stella’s home! I can’t wait for my girl to run directly into my arms like she always do—oh, right… that.” (via)
39 . An Espresso shot in slow motion. (via)
40 . OSU Marching Band Backpack Kid Dance (via)
41 . Crushed Car Drives Down The Street
42 . Parkour Atlas (via)
43 . Falta llençada per @luissuarez9 i que fa @marcelo_brozovic ? 😱 (via)
44 . Man Entertains Dog On Roundabout In Park
45 . Pilot nails sideways landing in 40-knot crosswinds at Bristol Airport
46 . Penalty + Flip = Amazing Goal [Норик Авдалян/Norik Avdalyan] (via)
47 . Precise Hopping with Salto-1P (via)
48 . Squirrel eating snickers (via)
49 . Plane Flies Too Close To Buildings – 1007825
50 . 12 iPhones ausm Greifautomaten holen (via)
51 . The Smoothest Moonwalk ever | *Video went Viral* (via)
52 . Effektive Taubenfalle (via)
53 . 魔法の力に見えるワイヤレス充電器をつくりました #6秒商店 (via)
54 . UpTown Spot (via)
22. November 2018 um 08:08
Wie immer danke fürs Teilen! 🙂