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Win-Compilation im September 2019 – Powered by WIHEL und langweiledich.net

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Der Herbst ist da! Und das macht sich gleich zweifach bemerkbar: die sommerlichen Temperaturen jenseits der 25 Grad sind endgültig passé. Und abends beginnt die Dämmerung bereit um kurz nach acht, ehe es um 21 Uhr vielerorts stockdunkel ist.

Wie gut, dass es die Win-Compilation von Martin und Maik gibt, um uns die Sommer-Depression zu vertreiben und den Herbst zu ertragen.

Viel Spaß mit 58 Clips in gut zehn Minuten.

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Hier wie gewohnt alle Filme in kompletter Länge:

1 . Ping Pong Trickshots play the Xylophone (Music Contraption) (via)
2 . Old Man Has Impressive Bowling Powers
3 . My boyfriend literally has no problem making friends with anybody…
4 . NBD: Mitchie Brusco’s first-ever Big Air 1260 | X Games Minneapolis 2019 (via)
5 . Balloon Mayhem (via)
6 . „Night trip to Walmart“ w/ Pet Goose George !!! (via)
7 . Guy Somehow Ends Up As The Only Passenger On A Delta Flight (via)
8 . „Athletic“ Theme (w/ Piano, Xylophone, & Tap Dance) from Super Mario World! (via)
9 . ❄️ Nippy the bush kangaroo! ❄️ (via)
10 . Making the first ever pair of CROCS GLOVES (via)
11 . Kid Dances On Stage With Foo Fighters
12 . Sunday morning rush hour (via)
13 . Timelapse Portrait – Handwrites Entire Script To Indiana Jones (via)
14 . This Manatee is Thirsty || ViralHog (via)
15 . when the hotel you’re staying at doesn’t have WiFi
16 . 3 Guys 10 Hands // X Hands (via)
17 . UK’s Oldest Tortoise Turns 121 (via)
18 . Killing In The Name – Rage Against The Machine / Rockin’1000 in Frankfurt (via)
19 . how to beat the heat like a champ
20 . Woman tells cars to ‚get the fuck out of the bus lane‘ on 6th & Olive in downtown Seattle, WA. (via)
21 . Come Together (Double-sided Guitar cover w/ Mary Spender) (via)
22 . Nunca antes había visto a una tortuga verde tragarse las burbujas de los buceadores. (via)
23 . The Bottle Organ: Papageno’s Song (via)
24 . Creepy Jack in the box / Bodypainting Illusion (via)
25 . New York frozen with 960fps Super Slow Motion (via)
26 . Red Hot Chili Peppers – Snow (Hey Oh) – Luca Stricagnoli (via)
27 . Video | Boomeraxt (via)
28 . Video | Entkommen! #2 (via)
29 . u fools…. This is clearly what would happen if dan or phil tried to propose
30 . They got 3 noise complaints but the cops said if he can hit a half court shot they could stay. 🤣🔥 (via @matt12dipesa @jamesmac58) (via)
31 . Cleaning Kitty with the Vacuum || ViralHog (via)
32 . — Por cosas como estás creo qué nunca voy a madurar… 😂😁😂😁😂 (via)
33 . Some of my favorites from @TRAVISMATHEW (via)
34 . Neulich in Basel
35 . Cat Rolls When It Hears The Word ‚Spaghetti‘ (via)
36 . Ladungssicherung – so wichtig (via)
38 . Simone Biles Debuts New Double Double Beam Dismount | Champions Series Presented By Xfinity (via)
39 . Dogs Stay Stunningly Still || ViralHog (via)
40 . Video | Pommesmeister (via)
41 . This is how tornadoes start. (via)
43 . Tik Tok Mr. Sandman Cat (via)
44 . Using a Car to Cross the Street || ViralHog (via)
45 . This is INSANE 😲🤯😱 (via)
46 . oh my god, i need this to be me in 20 years (via)
47 . Squad of Cyclists Carry a Couch || ViralHog (via)
48 . They just want to do everything we do 🐶💚 (via)
49 . Ich hab unseren Mülleimer als Dalek verkleidet und ihn auf unseren Saugroboter gesetzt.
50 . Young taekwondo champ demonstrates her skills (via)
51 . Millipede walking, featuring The Proclaimers.
52 . A new day, a new friend 🐧✨
53 . Das günstigste Lauf-Band der Welt. 🔊
54 . Dog Finds Brilliant Way to Keep Cool || ViralHog
55 . Slow Motion Pigeon Flight | BBC Earth (via)
56 . bringing this gem back to the timeline
57 . they see me rollin (via)
58 . Pump Up The Jam in a CHURCH on Grand Piano [Technotronic] (via)

Autor: Marc

Hallo, ich bin Marc. Schön, dass Du bei mir im Blog vorbeischaust. Hier mein Leben in weniger als 140 Zeichen: Passionierter Läufer, Bücherfreund, iPhone 12, ipad mini 2, Social Media, nur der BVB, Reiseblogger, Vater, (Ehe-) Mann, Chef. Ich bin übrigens auch bei Facebook, und Twitter zu finden.

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  1. Wie immer vielen Dank fürs Teilen!

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