Der goldene Oktober ist da – und damit biegt das Jahr 2019 bereits auf die Zielgeraden ein. In weniger als drei Monaten ist 2019 Geschichte und wir befinden uns im Jahr 2020.
Auch im zehnten Monat des Jahres haben sich Martin und Maik mächtig reingehangen und sich auf die Suche nach den besten Clips im Netz gemacht.
Und erneut gibt es jede Menge Spaßiges, Skurriles und Witziges. Knapp sechzig Videos in mehr als zwölf Minuten sind es in der Oktober-Edition der Win-Compilation geworden.
Viel Spaß damit!
Wie gewohnt, hier alle Videos in chronologischer Reihenfolge:
1. 🥁System Of A Down – Toxicity with MINIATURE DRUMS🥁 (via)
2. Breakdancing Doggy Joins Performance || ViralHog (via)
3. Forest in Austrian stadium opens to public with environmental message (via)
4. Midweek slump cured ☕️🙌🏻 (via)
5. My boy just flip on em popo 👮♀️
6. Octopus Dreaming (via)
7. MOST EPIC BULLSEYE EVER! (10 Pallet Skips!!)
8. Watch this awesome droid orchestra! – LEGO Star Wars™ BOOST Droid Commander (via)
9. Baby Crocodiles sound like Galaga (via)
10. Incredible Exoskeletal Mechanical Dinosaur Costume (via)
11. This Lip Sync Rendition of Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody Will Leave You Speechless (via)
12. this is walter, a labrador from sicily. rumor has it he loves the sea (sciu89)
13. Spaghetti Mayhem (via)
14. Translucent Deepstaria Jelly Whorls With Resident Isopod | Nautilus Live (via)
15. Self-Solving Rubik’s Cube (via)
16. Animal sounds on violin imitation on guitar (via)
17. Which camera angle do you like the most? Infront or behind. (via)
18. Z-Pong
19. Drone Flies Through Narrow Canyon
20. iPod Stopwatch ticks over from 99,999hrs 59secs to 100,000hrs. What will happen? (via)
21. Mood-swings (via)
22. Kanye West’s “Flashing Lights” on a circle piano (via)
23. Cyberpunk 2077 inspired custom LASERGUN (via)
24. The making of the LEGO beehive (via)
25. 30,000-ton bus terminal moved horizontally in Xiamen, China (via)
27. Spotify on a Xiaomi Vacuum Cleaner (via)
28. Students Successfully Create and Test a Mini Roller Coaster for School Festival – 1068920 (via)
29. Thunderstruck [AC/DC Meets Beethoven] – Peter Bence (via)
30. Pocket Trebuchet (via)
31. 8-bit Mario in Real Life – Stop Motion (Director’s Cut) (via)
32. One of the most beautiful videos I’ve ever seen💞🔉
33. A robotic bird inspired by a herring gull wowed the crowd at China’s annual World Robot Conference (via)
34. 🅰️ Avengers: Endgame. 💰⬇️ But it’s low budget. (via)
35. Capo total. (via)
36. Car Air Vent spins at CRAZY SPEED (via)
37. Chris Blanden – The Godfather with a drill (à la Mr Big) (via)
38. Catching a strangers phone on roller coaster (via)
39. DIY Articulated Wings from PVC Pipes (via)
40. Dog looks at its owners then looks away (via)
41. Don’t you hate it when this happens? 🙃 (via)
42. FASTEST ONE HANDED ROLL EVER!!! Gravity Blast on Buckets | Chris Harris Bucket Drummer (via)
43. I am guessing this awesome chair was at a festival in the desert (via)
44. I’m not crying, you are! (via)
45. JENKEM – Matt Tomasello in “Rodney Mullen on Bath Salts: Round Three” (via)
46. Marble Machine Pant #10 – Triple sides (via)
47. More Parkour Atlas (via)
48. Rose falten leicht gemacht (via)
49. Snap, Crackle and Pop amplification cereal bowl (via)
50. Social Media Is Falling In Love With These 2-Year-Old Besties Who Race To Hug Each Other (via)
51. The World Record for Flying 2,018 Drones At Once| Folsom, California
52. video Formule na dálnici D4 na Příbramsku pátrání po řidiči i svědcích (via)
53. A lesson I needed to learn years ago
54. Wibmer’s Law – Fabio Wibmer (via)
55. Jellyfish shot (via)
56. Yes ‘keeper… FUCKING HELL. YES ‘KEEPER.
57. Why every parent should own a nanny cam
58. Canon’s incredible 3D capture of All Blacks try vs South Africa (via)
59. Trees Get Trimmed by Live Power Lines || ViralHog (via)
22. Oktober 2019 um 09:27
Wie immer besten Dank fürs Teilen! <3