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WIN-Compilation: Best of 2019

| 1 Kommentar

Wer geglaubt hat, dass es nach der WIN-Compilation Dezember 2019 und der überraschenden Rest of 2019-WIN-Compilation bereits alles gewesen ist, was Maik und Martin im Köcher haben, der sollte sich getäuscht sehen.

Am vorletzten Tag des vergangenen Jahres haben die beiden Tausendsassa mal eben so ein Best Of 2019 der beliebten Compilation abgeliefert. Eine Zusammenstellung, die ich euch nicht vorenthalten möchte und deshalb Vorhang auf für fette 103 Clips in sagenhaften 18 Minuten:

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Hier alle Videos zum Anschauen:

1 . Aus dem Weg! Jetzt kommen wir! (via)
2 . A girl puts glasses on with legs while standing on a ball with hands (via)
3 . Four Generations of moms and dads (via)
4 . sqweezing 26ft tree in 18ft House (via)
5 . Happiness comes from the simple things (via)
6 . Race to the ‚Finnish‘ Line: Man Sprints Across Frozen Lake in Finland (via)
7 . Who made this chicken?! (via)
8 . I am Big Billy (via)
9 . Immerhin CO2 gespart! 😂 (via)
10 . Ich trinke zwar keinen Alkohol, aber das ist ja mal ne echt coole Idee aus dem überschneiten Österreich 😎❄️ (via)
11 . BEST POOL & BILLIARDS TRICK SHOTS – Venom Trickshots 2018! (via)
12 . Betonrohr abladen wie ein Profi (via)
13 . The Matrix was a documentary (via)
14 . „i don’t want to sound ungrateful, Neil, but i think I’ll get the bus tomorrow“ (via)
15 . Blackout syncs with radio station (via)
16 . High-Pressure Pup || ViralHog (via)
17 . Paper airplane folding machine. (via)
18 . Sylvain Angelini (via)
19 . Oh nice! I’ll do a backflip near this mirror
20 . Mejor disfraz EVER (via)
21 . So ein brutaler Sport.
22 . So this just happened at #PennStation post #Robyn concert. #NYC
23 . Man Perfects Seriously Hard Knife Throwing Trick || ViralHog (via)
24 . Parrot Plays Peek-a-Boo with Neighbors Cat || ViralHog (via)
25 . Door Makes the beat of the song YEAH by Usher (via)
26 . I really have a love-hate relationship with NY. (via)
27 . „Video | Autoalarm“ (via)
28 . „Video | Osterfeuer anzünden“ (via)
29 . Saw this guy in London today! He did such a great job. (via)
30 . [PRIO 1] Agent met humor doet sirene na! (via)
31 . dressage at its best! (via)
32 . Amazing Dumbbell Art
33 . FedEx guy stops to make shot (via)
34 . Rainbow maker (via)
35 . Guy Covers Width of Swimming Pool in One Huge Jump – 1034399 (via)
36 . The Announcer CATCHES The Foul Ball While On Call (via)
37 . Michiiiiiii
38 . Hot Wheels Xylophone (via)
39 . Is It Just Beach Volley If There’s No Ball? || ViralHog
40 . Men’s 400m Hurdles – 2019 SEC Outdoor Championships
41 . Eis am Stück (via)
42 . Automatic closing of a door with a tape measure
43 . Guy Does Handstands On Dumbbells (via)
44 . I wouldn’t want to come up against this good girl at Jenga 👏 (via)
45 . Lad Jumps Through Hoops On Merry Go-Round
47 . This is the best thing you will see today😍
48 . Super Dad! (via)
49 . Schiedsrichter trollt Spieler (via)
50 . Forever Young..👏👏👏
51 . This is some next level Matrix stuff right here
53 . Man uses a monkey face shirt to cool off the barbecue 😂😂 (via)
54 . How To Make a Cool Paperplane That Flies Forever (via)
55 . Here’s the vid 🙏 (via)
56 . Portrait Drawing with a Compass – DP Truong (via)
57 . How AI products actually work
58 . The Hardest Mario Level of All Time (via)
59 . Anti Nesting Spikes, Not Working || ViralHog (via)
60 . „High ‚N‘ Dry“ Video (via)
61 . Magie gegen Melancholie „Und jetzt du“
62 . Oliver Solberg 2019 Idaho Rally (via)
63 . So this happened..
64 . T-Rex Race (via)
65 . Freezing noodles in subzero temps
66 . Ping Pong Trickshots play the Xylophone (Music Contraption) (via)
67 . My boyfriend literally has no problem making friends with anybody…
68 . Timelapse Portrait – Handwrites Entire Script To Indiana Jones (via)
69 . when the hotel you’re staying at doesn’t have WiFi
70 . how to beat the heat like a champ
71 . Boomeraxt (via)
72 . u fools…. This is clearly what would happen if dan or phil tried to propose
73 . „Some of my favorites from @TRAVISMATHEW“
74 . Simone Biles Debuts New Double Double Beam Dismount | Champions Series Presented By Xfinity (via)
76 . Tik Tok Mr. Sandman Cat
77 . Using a Car to Cross the Street || ViralHog (via)
78 . Ich hab unseren Mülleimer als Dalek verkleidet und ihn auf unseren Saugroboter gesetzt.
79 . Midweek slump cured ☕️🙌🏻 (via)
80 . MOST EPIC BULLSEYE EVER! (10 Pallet Skips!!)
81 . This Lip Sync Rendition of Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody Will Leave You Speechless (via)
82 . Catching a strangers phone on roller coaster (via)
83 . Don’t you hate it when this happens? 🙃 (via)
84 . I’m not crying, you are! (via)
85 . Social Media Is Falling In Love With These 2-Year-Old Besties Who Race To Hug Each Other (via)
86 . Wibmer’s Law – Fabio Wibmer (via)
87 . Pixar Lamp Costume! (via)
88 . Obrigado! (via)
89 . Cat Unsure of Underwater Workout || ViralHog
90 . Tag somebody and don’t say anything
91 . Dad and Daughter Use Homemade Human Claw Machine || ViralHog (via)
92 . Epic Cycling | Truly Unique Shoe Bicycle (via)
93 . Women’s speed climbing record was smashed. Under 7 seconds. Inhuman. (via)
94 . That’s a Huge „Dog“ || ViralHog (via)
95 . Zeki yeğen #keşfett
96 . ScienceFairBlindSpotMovie2019 (via)
97 . Playing Around With a Stack of Uncut Keys || ViralHog (via)
98 . Candy Shop Tiktok but it Gradually gets Bigger (via)
99 . Woman in Santiago, Chile singing out her apartment window during mandatory curfew (via)
100 . for fun and flames (via)
101 . Junger Mann hilft Biber beim Holz-Tragen (via)
102 . Saw the best dog costume ever today (via)
103 . When you find your inner Matt Nagy…🏈 (via)
104 . Wheelchair-bound groom’s first dance with his bride *EMOTIONAL* (via)


Autor: Marc

Hallo, ich bin Marc. Schön, dass Du bei mir im Blog vorbeischaust. Hier mein Leben in weniger als 140 Zeichen: Passionierter Läufer, Bücherfreund, iPhone 12, ipad mini 2, Social Media, nur der BVB, Reiseblogger, Vater, (Ehe-) Mann, Chef. Ich bin übrigens auch bei Facebook, und Twitter zu finden.

Ein Kommentar

  1. Fetten Dank fürs neuerliche Teilen! <3

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