Ostern steht vor der Tür und schon jetzt ist klar, dass es aufgrund des Corona-Virus ein ganz anderes Fest wird, als wir gedacht haben.
Die Kontaktsperren sorgen dafür, dass wir weder unsere Eltern sehen dürfen (wenn sie weit entfernt wohnen) noch unseren geplanten Urlaub an der Ostsee antreten können. Ein Lichtblick ist das prima Wetter, dass im Rheinland für Temperaturen bis zu 25 Grad sorgt. Und außerdem habe ich das gesparte Urlaubsgeld in eine DJI Mavic Mini investiert, die ausgiebig ausprobiert werden kann.
Aber ich schweife ab und komme jetzt endlich auf den Punkt. Martin und Maik liefern im April natürlich auch wieder ab. Die Win-Compilation umfasst nicht weniger als 61 Clips in knapp zwölf Minuten. Das ist die perfekte Ablenkung im Rahmen von #stayathome und jede Menge Spaß ist garantiert.
Hier wie gewohnt alle Videos in chronologischer Reihenfolge:
01. Il Teatro Nazionale serbo suona “Bella Ciao” in videocall (via)
02. Precautionary self isolation can be fun❗️ (via)
03. Where are my gamers at?! (via)
04. Cats and Domino (via)
05. During Quarantine, Couple Tries the Horse Trick || ViralHog
06. “Effusion” Final LIVE performance (via)
07. Extreme Trial training at home with Toni Bou (via)
08. floor is lava – STAY AT HOME PARCOUR (via)
09. i thought twitter deserved to see this video of a chameleon washing its hands
10. Making CARDBOARD Air Force 1s, Then Wearing Them In NIKE Store (via)
11. Dog eats in high chair – Cooper Rodden (via)
12. I’m bored (via)
13. The adventure continues! 🐧🐧
14. Danish people singing “You’ve got a friend” from their windows (via)
15. Residents at Bryn Celyn Care Home in #Maesteg, Wales have been keeping themselves entertained and active during tough times by playing #HungryHippos! (via)
16. His favorite place is his bed (via)
17. I made a Talking Book | Stop Motion Experiment (via)
18. SELF ISOLATION by Rob Wakefield (via)
19. Hi there! I’m Cortana! (via)
20. Mario Kart Stunts (via)
21. In order to keep moving, this sports instructor in Seville teaches from a roof. (via)
22. Auch in dieser schwierigen Zeit gibt es pure Lebensfreude. Der erste Weidegang unserer Kühe. (via)
23. Dog Shows Boy How to Use the Trampoline || ViralHog
24. We Built the World’s Largest Air Hockey Table • This Could Be Awesome #8
25. TAMBURO MECCANICO XXI – [Electro-mechanical rhythm machine] (via)
26. たぶん世界一薄いサンドウィッチ (via)
27. Toilet Paper Splitting Machine (via)
28. Police in Mallorca Spain – Ni andalucía ni valencia (via)
29. [재업] MINIATURE [미니 카메라 만들기] 라이카M10. [ENG SUB]Making a miniature camera LEICA M10 (via)
30. When your granny is your ghost producer (via)
31. Day 10 (via)
32. Yo ho Yo ho a quarantine’s life for me! (via)
33. Wood Carving – TOYOTA Land Cruiser V8 2020 (New Version) – Woodworking art (via)
34. #tiktoк #foryou #fyp #vireal #magic (via)
35. The New Humans Have Arrived!!! (via)
36. Ghost Ping Pong
37. An Israeli man walks his dog via drone (source: Facebook) (via)
38. Gymnastic’s Coach Prevents an Injury || ViralHog (via)
39. Anche #Agrigento #restaacasa. (via)
40. Just got sent this video from a friend who is a doctor! <3Ingenious! (via)
41. Confinement J+5, Marie s adapte, pas facile pour nous !! 🤣🤣 (via)
42. Look what these kids did with Arduino. (via)
43. Gorillaz – Feel Good Inc. (Stylophone cover) (via)
44. Homemade Screw Tank Test Drive (via)
45. Parkour Guy Hits Again With A Backflip At A Terrifying Height (via)
46. How to make a Lego CAKE (via)
47. Penguins going down stairs
48. This is a mood 🐢
49. Talented Artist Draws Using Both Hands At Same Time (via)
50. Snow blowing Unicorn takes on Michigan snowstorm (via)
51. In a day or twOoOoOoOoOo. Take On me – a-ha
52. So, schnell mal was gebastelt, um die nächsten 14 tage gut rumzubringen 😬🍻💪
53. OVER TIME – Sammy Carlson (via)
54. Social Distancing Flipbook…Hi Stranger (via)
55. Ronnie Mac Visited My House and Attempted the World’s Most Legendary Pond Gap… *BALD EAGLE BOOTER*
56. Theft Management with a Splash || ViralHog (via)
57. Weird Bike with Invisible Wheels (via)
58. You know. I’m something of a dj myself. (via)
59. Super Mario Bros. Theme on 2 Credit Card Machines (via)
60. スケボーで遊ぶ文鳥5 (via)
61. 😂
62. Lonely Day on FLOPPOTRON
63. When you got no game at the #StaringGame but your animal enrichment is on point. (via)
9. April 2020 um 12:53
Much love! <3