Unglaublich, aber wahr: bereits am vierten Tag des Monats habe ich die brandneue Win-Compilation von Martin und Maik am Start. Und ich bin ein wenig stolz darauf, dass das geklappt hat.
Allerdings sind die 50 Clips in elf Minuten erneut Video für Video ein wahrer Genuss – und deshalb ganz besonders wert, euch ans Herz gelegt zu werden.
Deshalb verliere ich auch keine großen Worte, sondern wünsche euch viel Spaß mit der August-Ausgabe:
Und wie immer gibt es hier die Teilnehmer der aktuellen Compilation in chronologischer Reihenfolge:
1 . Another ver. of World Freestyle Round-Up 2020 Online Showdown : Isamu Yamamoto (via)
2 . Perfectly timed bottle flip with frisbee (via)
3 . Free the birds! (via)
4 . ✨Life seems incredibly difficult right now, but please stop and be grateful for the little things. ♥️ (via)
5 . NEW WORLD RECORD Water Ski Stilts
6 . Donning my hand. (putting on my prosthetic hand) (via)
7 . THIS EGG MCMUFFIN IS A CAKE?? | Hyperrealistic Cakes (via)
8 . Waking Up To A Breathtaking View Of Beautiful Sunrise And Mountain Lake
9 . After months growing my #hair for the first time in 10 years I had to ask my #boyfriend to #shave my #head again… (via)
10 . Emma Humplik Homerun after Homerun (via)
11 . Roman Booteen Mechanic coin (via)
12 . Your game WILL improve if you do this (via)
13 . The best video I ever captured. (via)
14 . Lego Reuleaux Triangle Mechanisms レゴでルーローの三角形
15 . Turned my desktop folders into puzzle pieces to make organizing them more fun 🧩 (via)
16 . Keenan Derry – A professional barefoot waterskier aka waterbender (via)
17 . Too. Much. Nip. Bro….
18 . Mini crossbow | Assassins creed 2.0 (via)
19 . Better half’s 80th bday surprise!
20 . I made a robot to cut my hair with scissors
21 . Dog Rides Remote Control Car on Streets of Boston – 1065266
22 . Auto-Mask (Mark 1)
23 . Elderly Man Goes Cliff Diving
24 . How to crack a stone. (via)
25 . Two Cats and 500 Balls in a Ball Pit !! (via)
26 . 👏😂😂 (via)
27 . VC10 Caravan Pod (via)
28 . 1st video is filmed by my brother and 2nd video was filmed by a complete stranger (via)
29 . Building a Lego-powered Submarine 2.0 – magnetic couplings (via)
30 . Kobe/Shaq Alley-Oop Every Time You Roll Up the Window (via)
31 . @joekettrick10 jackpot (via)
32 . Discovered a new use for ur pano mode. #longhotdogchallenge 🌭🌭🌭🌭🤤 (via)
33 . How to Get your Truck Wheel Out of Pot Hole | Don’t Try This (via)
34 . Hundreds of drones light up South Korean sky with virus messages (via)
35 . Uçan koltuk – Flying Couch Potato – Paragliding – Ölüdeniz/Turkey (via)
36 . Insane Jenga tower – Guinness World Records (via)
37 . Popping a Balloon Inside A Balloon Inside A Balloon Inside A Balloon (via)
38 . Regenbogenhaar (via)
39 . UFO | 25,000 Matches Chain Reaction Experiment (via)
40 . Playing Pong in Task Manager (via)
41 . Share your thoughts 👇 (via)
42 . Super Fridge Mario World 1 (via)
43 . Skate 3?!🤯Did/do you play skate 3?👇
44 . Tetris de cartón (via)
45 . Ur toughest competition in life will always be the ones you least expected (via)
46 . Pick a song… Any song … 😁😁😁 (via)
47 . ‘Lost in motions’ (via)
48 . Run, slide, throw. (via)
49 . Bubble enrichment for the penguins! 🐧😄 (via)
50 . The Sound of Silence (harp cover) | Deer Blooper (via)
7. August 2020 um 09:25
Gratuliere zum Post-Rekord! 😉