Zumindest kalendarisch ist der Herbst am Start. Und passend dazu präsentieren Martin und Maik die brandneue Ausgabe der Win-Compilation.
Diesen Monat haben die beiden 49 Videos auf zehneinhalb Minuten Laufzeit verteilt und geschickt aneinandergereiht.
Viel Spaß!
Und wie gewohnt gibt es hier alle Clips in voller Länge zu sehen:
01. [Video: a construction worker shoveling dirt as children on the other side of the fence yell “YAY!” every time dirt is moved.] (via)
02. Insane Double Backwards Basketball Trickshot
03. Vacilei logo no final 😩😩😩😂😂😂 (via)
04. GoPro Inside a Car Tire (While Driving) (via)
05. Mario Kart 2.0
06. Ew he rides a scooter
07. How I Deal With Kids Playing in My Driveway | The Saga of My Driveway Racetrack (via)
08. Frisbee Trickshot That Will Blow Your Mind
09. 91-year-old Woman Goes Zip Lining To Celebrate Her Birthday
10. Mind-blowing Barrier Grid Animation
11. Guy Pulls Off Incredible Flip Off A Russian Swing
12. Italian pigeons are the best (via)
13. Sound (via)
14. How To Make A Snack Out Of Your Friend!
15. Spraying a Car in the WORLD’S BRIGHTEST Glow in the Dark Pigments (via)
16. Man Rides A Sled Down A Green Hill
17. Shadow Play 🏐 #beach #volleyball (via)
18. JET ENGINE CANOE! (World’s Fastest!) (via)
19. Guy Pulls A Cornhole Trick Shot From The Third Floor
20. Eaglehawk Cowboys (via)
21. No Hand Wheelie Challenge – Amazing Stunt
22. Milwaukee 1/4″ impact partial hand prosthetic device (via)
23. Piloting a GIANT MECH! (via)
24. Just a little mid-week Dance Party going on in our Avian & Exotics department! (via)
25. Doggo Takes A Horse For A Walk
26. Tallest Mohawk – Guinness World Records (via)
27. Building the worlds longest SKATEBOARD!! 25 feet!! (via)
28. accurate GIF (via)
29. Ballpoint (via)
31. Das Bockwurstklavier (via)
32. 117426329 303732091052708 6001371427381089901 n GIF (via)
33. Has it really come to this ……?!! (via)
34. Here’s one more of that dual threaded rod from @ironmenindustries I saw today (via)
35. How to make pasta spin endlessly – Infinity Pasta Magic experiment (via)
36. If your dog doesn’t like his dog food, try this trick! (via)
37. Latest Flight Testing! (via)
38. This Will Make Your Day Better (via)
39. polarized glasses iphone (via)
40. Shooting Masks onto People’s Faces (via)
41. Slow Motion Pool Trick Shots (via)
42. Softstop™ Barrier System by LASERVISION (via)
43. The colorist SNAPPED (via)
44. Waiting for students to arrive to the zoom lecture.
45. What prevents you from doing this? (via)
46. World First 360 Double Backflip Tailwhip on BMX! (via)
47. Zur Lage
48. Una maravilla. Desayuno con estilo (via)
49. Dad Throws Football Off The Roof For His Son To Catch From A Moving Car
10. September 2020 um 09:58