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Win-Compilation im Dezember 2020 – Powered by WIHEL und langweiledich.net

| 1 Kommentar

Verdammt spät. Ich bin verdammt spät dran. Und zwar mit der letzten Win-Compilation des Jahres 2021.

Und was war das für ein Jahr! #covid19 war und ist das beherrschende Thema unserer Zeit – und vermutlich wird das auch noch ein paar Monate so bleiben.

Jetzt aber genug der Vorrede, denn Martin und Maik haben auch im zwölften Monat des Jahres viel Herzblut in die aktuelle Ausgabe der Win-Compilation gesteckt. 51 Clips in weniger als elf Minuten warten darauf, von euch entdeckt zu werden.

Viel Spaß!

Und wie immer gibt es hier alle Videos in voller Länge:

1 . Surfer Doggo Catching Some Waves At The Beach
2 . Someone Made The Hand Gel Dispenser Looks Like A Pigeon Pooping
3 . Man Makes A Cup Slide For A Hallway Golf Trickshot
4 . Awesome and simple illusion (via)
5 . Professional Circus Acrobats Performing Insane Flips And Drops Off A Pole At A Park
6 . Just two kangaroos ready for Boo At The Zoo 🦘 (via)
7 . Talented Artist Draws A Large Mandala On The Sand
8 . Parkour Guy Climbing Up A Building Like A Real Life Spiderman
9 . Skateboard Stop-Motion Animation (via)
10 . Guy Pulls Off A Backflip Trick Jumping Into A Hoop
11 . Making of Catan (via)
12 . 2020. Thank you for this. The best goal I’ve seen this year. Absolutely amazing. (via)
13 . Amazing Apple Puzzle (How to Make) ✔ (via)
14 . How to make the opening sequence to James Bond using a toilet roll & a block of jelly…
15 . Probably my best fpv shot ever !! (via)
16 . Talented Kid Shoots A Golf Ball Through A Hole Carved In A Pumpkin, Hitting A Superhero Toy
17 . Skater Girl Swerving On A Highway Surrounded By Clouds And Magical View
18 . Guy Lands A Perfect Double Backflip In The Water Jumping Off A Pole
19 . Genius Little Girl Makes DIY Vending Machine At Home
20 . Free Diver Having A Peaceful Encounter With A Humpback Whale
21 . Performer Juggling Clubs While Balancing On An Unicycle
22 . Trickshot 🎯⚽️😍
23 . Cool Underwater Match Chain Reaction (via)
24 . Winning The Grease Pole Contest Like A Boss
25 . Man Only Takes 8 Seconds To Build Cups Pyramid And Take It Down
26 . Best Captions will be pinned 😂😂😂 (via)
27 . Building THE SKELD (Among Us) with cardboard & clay – Part 5
28 . Pug Dog Enjoying A Sunny Morning On The Swing
29 . Summer
30 . Can’t believe anything
31 . Cheeky little banger I got at the Bikelife Circus Training Ground last night! (via)
32 . I Built an Infinity Mirror Guitar (via)
33 . Cryptic Auto-Calendar (via)
34 . How to Make a 9-Volt Battery Walk Like a Human (via)
35 . coffee prices are out of control (via)
36 . Driving a pallet with leaf blowers (via)
37 . Just Monkey the dog! parkour (via)
38 . Man shows off insane strength while demonstrating the „human flag“ (via)
39 . Nicolai Geertsen – Lyngby – FIFA Puskas Award 2020 contender (via)
40 . The way this Excavator hopping over a pipe (via)
41 . Trick or treating in 2020 🤣 (via)
42 . Used the Uno reverse card (via)
43 . A microscope look at the DualSense controller. (via)
44 . Weird and Wacky 3-Wheeled Spinny Car (via)
45 . Woooooooooo! (via)
46 . Jon Rahm skips to a hole-in-one on No. 16 | Masters Tuesday (via)
47 . That’s the most involved flip book imagery I’ve ever seen. (via)
48 . this man can save us all (via)
49 . Video Game Themes Performed on an 80s Synthesizer (via)
50 . „A skateboard goes shopping.
51 . Little Girl Puts A Stick In Her Mouth And Follows Her Dog Around, Copying Him

Autor: Marc

Hallo, ich bin Marc. Schön, dass Du bei mir im Blog vorbeischaust. Hier mein Leben in weniger als 140 Zeichen: Passionierter Läufer, Bücherfreund, iPhone 12, ipad mini 2, Social Media, nur der BVB, Reiseblogger, Vater, (Ehe-) Mann, Chef. Ich bin übrigens auch bei Facebook, und Twitter zu finden.

Ein Kommentar

  1. Die letzte REGULÄRE Ausgabe des Jahres… 😉
    Danke fürs Teilen!

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