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Win-Compilation im Oktober 2024 – Powered by WIHEL und langweiledich.net

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Das viertel Quartal des Jahres ist gestartet und auch in diesem Monat müssen wir nicht auf Win-Compilation verzichten.

Maik und Martin überraschen uns im Oktober mit saaaaaaagenhaften 72 Clips in mehr als zwölf Minuten – da ist für jeden Geschmack etwas dabei.

Viel Spaß!

Und wie immer gibt es auch in diesem Monat alle Videos in chronologischer Reihenfolge:

01. Chill vibes. (Frisbee Catch)
02. I Plugged a Typewriter Into My Piano (via)
03. Walmart attack helicopter VS Jet (via)
04. A man drives against the flood to rescue a family
05. Amazing art! (Drawing half of the real life image)
06. new learn NBD? @shreddykruger (via)
07. ❤️❤️❤️Para dominar bien la técnica, se requiere práctica repetida. (Spongebob made of balloons) (via)
08. Funny superhero stickers (via)
09. Always trying to think outside the box ️‍ (Colin Duffy climbing training) (via)
10. ROLL TIDE!!! @matt_orum with the Hole in One!!! (via)
11. 3 egg flip into a 6 egg flip.
12. I can barely walk these stairs
13. One Piece cards make the best shadowboxes ✌️ (via)
14. first look: alex chinneck brings a massive, looping steel boat to sheffield’s historical canal (via)
15. Record breaking drone show in China with +10,000 drones. (via)
16. Dark Fairy Sourdough✨ (via)
17. Roller Coaster with NO TRACKS (via)
18. SOOO HYPED!! Finally got me a gold in Bmx best trick!!! (Daniel Sandoval @ X Games China 2024) (via)
19. Doom on a Volumetric Display (via)
20. I Turned Balloons into Indestructible Furniture (via)
21. The Rose that grew from the concrete #DerrickRose (name writing drawing) (via)
22. My Chickens Carve A Pumpkin! (via)
23. Simon says a lot of things : @iamfallfromgrace (via)
24. The Body Deck (Card Game) (via)
25. Huge LEGO Stardew Valley by Steve Jensen #lego #stardewvalley (via)
26. “I’m helping” (Dog holding wool)
27. 梦想,是永不止步的动力源泉。每一个为梦想拼搏的日子,都是不可复制的辉煌篇章 (via)
28. Peace & Love x ⁣⁣ (via)
29. 1000 IQ (get sand off of feet at beach)
30. An outstanding performance of the Magunatip bamboo dance by Budayawan (via)
31. Amazing 3D Illusion Art on Road (via)
32. Amazing kick during a sepaktakraw game
33. And then there was this guy!
34. Aww…the dog actually hugged him back
35. Building the world’s LARGEST functional iPhone (via)
36. Just a casual cross of a canal! #skimeverything (via)
37. Behind this exercise there is an athletic preparation that we cannot even imagine
38. 晚餐时间到 (cat watching if no one looks to eat with its paws) (via)
39. Check out this handwriting!
40. Enjoy the whole process cut down to your guys attention span. (Drawing Margot Robbie with a Barbie doll) (via)
41. my inner child wants to try this (via)
42. 但凡有个幼儿园文凭,也不至于被爸爸忽悠… (dad playing with movie) (via)
43. Dads build Carnival Ride in Backyard! (via)
45. A gente só vive uma vez. ❤️ (via)
46. Did you know this one? (Nintendo Fun Fact piano sound)
47. Finished up this simple Etsy order for a nice, red summer pair! (via)
48. Horndog (via)
49. Репетиция хореографической картины «Партизаны» (Floating Ballet Dancer) (via)
50. I cannot a deny what a happens when I close a my eyes under a water – Pablo Neruda (via)
51. I put Sonic on my room fan because we both can’t stand this weekend heat.
52. GIANT Lego Inspired Monkey Bike with Adam Savage – Part 2 (via)
53. Imagine being sick that day and missing school
54. Tôi đã tạo ra UFO của riêng mình như thế nào khi tôi nhìn thấy nó trong giấc mơ (via)
55. „New Fire Process on Canvas…
Each Fire burn tells a story of resilience and transformation.“
56. That was Smooth ngl (via)
57. It seems that she is human. (via)
58. Pen tap freestyle (via)
59. Ratatouille in can
60. Rodafonio street performers
61. Se pinchó el termotanque.
62. Puissance 4 / Connect 4-Tex (3d print) (via)
63. The audacity @moutet99 goes behind-the-back with a piece of sublime skill (via)
64. ℝ The #ice that went viral during last year’s US Open Tennis Tournament. (via)
65. Reverse parking a tractor with 2 trailer carts
66. The Carpentopod table being put to use! (via)
67. Plants vs Zombie game
68. The referee applauds this remarkable table tennis shot. (via)
69. Waiting for the next train in the most smoothest way possible
70. Impressive arm and core strength
71. DOOM in the iOS Photos app (kind of) (via)
72. @styrofoamvideos sent me their satisfying foam cutting videos (via)

Autor: Marc

Hallo, ich bin Marc. Schön, dass Du bei mir im Blog vorbeischaust. Hier mein Leben in weniger als 140 Zeichen: Passionierter Läufer, Bücherfreund, iPhone 12, ipad mini 2, Social Media, nur der BVB, Reiseblogger, Vater, (Ehe-) Mann, Chef. Ich bin übrigens auch bei Facebook, und Twitter zu finden.

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